The DJ Saved My Life
The DJ Saved My Life utilizes music as a conduit for philanthropy and fellowship during Meet Up and GiveBack experiences. More specifically, The DJ Saved My Life brings together cultural influencers, increasing public awareness, raising funds and gaining “new supporters”. By connecting consumers, professionals, our partners and cultural influencers to causes, campaigns and community needs, The DJ Saved My Life facilitates positive impacts. Areas of impact include education, health & wellness, talent development, and international relief and economic development.
As an interactive experience, The DJ Saved My Life™ primary focus is to reward “everyday” giving such as volunteering, purchases, participation, etc. The DJ Saved My Life is more than a memorable event, it’s an experience! A catalyst for supporting initiatives by increasing public awareness, raising funds for vital research, and gaining “new supporters,” while bringing affluent communities, trendsetters and tastemakers together in the process.
As we are a culture defined by music, The DJ Saved My Life uses the passion & love of music, along with the influence of celebrity DJ’s to engage communities spark change, take action and give back. Moreover, proceeds and products accumulated are donated to our cause marketing programs and participants in need.